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Musicianship & Aural Training Level Two (2E) - Student Book

Musicianship & Aural Training for the Secondary School Level Two (2nd Edition-2012) by Deborah Smith

The Complete Classroom Music Program for the Secondary School

  • This book has been written to provide a broad, thorough and sequential music curriculum for students in middle secondary (Years 9 & 10; elective or any older beginner) or for students preparing to undertake senior music studies;
  • Uses rigorous scaffolding of the concepts, skills and knowledge required for a thorough knowledge of the language of music;
  • Provides a solid foundation upon which further, more advanced, music education knowledge can be built

The Level 2 Student Book includes:

  • a print copy of the book and/or a PDF of book – downloaded via the website using code in book or supplied on physical access card
  • 13 Preparation Lessons covering all musical concepts taught in the Level 1 books (from beat and pitch through to Major and minor scales)
  • 48 two page written lessons covering musical concepts from scale degrees and tonal names through to triads in inversions and syncopation. Each lesson includes a worksheet with almost 200 theory questions and aural dictation exercises arranged in a sequential order of level of difficulty;
  • 10 revision lessons – 1 for every four to five lessons above (suitable for assessment or homework if required)

SKU: 9780977559787
